Creator Spotlight – Interview with Prithvi Madhukar

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Prithvi Madhukar—aka The Marketing Nomad—is a quirky digital entrepreneur and business owner with a passion for marketing and a zest for life. She is the Author of Zero to Four Figures, a Podcaster (Top 100 in Marketing—India, Top 10% Global), YouTuber, Etsy Shop Owner, Author, Skillshare Teacher, and Influencer. She is also the CEO of The Marketing Nomad LLC, a global Marketing Consultancy Firm in Delaware that has helped sixty-plus clients from eight different countries as of 2022. As a location-independent Marketing Strategy Consultant, she empowers business owners to confidently implement long-term marketing strategies to grow the business they love. She enjoys Bollywood dancing in her free time.

Q1 – What is the name of your latest project? Tell us more about why you embarked on this project. If a writer, share your synopsis.

My business book was my latest project titled Zero to Four Figures: Lessons Learned by a Broke CEO.

I wrote this book to change the way our entrepreneurial world views success. Very often, there is so much pressure to wait till we hit 6 or 7 figures for us to be perceived as successful. I don’t believe that is a healthy mindset to be in. I believe we should be proud of wherever we are and take the time to acknowledge every win we create for ourselves.


Through this narrative non-fiction book, I give you a glimpse of the first three years of my digital entrepreneurship journey from Zero to Four Figures. This book is a compilation of sixty-one lessons on topics ranging from mindset to business, marketing, losses, and wins. I share the challenges, mistakes and the strategies that led me to some of my breakthroughs. Don’t worry; you’ll also get my original models, performance tools, and learning tactics if you’d like to implement those for your journey (Bonus: 50+ page Printable Workbook PDF).

You will also learn what it means to change the narrative when defining your successes and how to break free from waiting to hit six or seven figures to view yourself as a successful digital entrepreneur.If anything, I know that this book will comfort you that you aren’t alone in your journey and show you that somewhere in the world, there’s a digital entrepreneur named “The Marketing Nomad”, albeit a little quirky, who is cheering you on!

Q2 – What inspired you when you encountered struggles along the way?

I’ve been through quite a bit in my life, and I have successfully overcome many, many obstacles. With every new struggle I’ve faced, I’ve always looked back at my past self, felt inspired by how she took on every challenge head on, and kept going. I really think our inspiration should come from within. If we rely on external factors or people for inspiration, I don’t think it would take us very far as that tends to sizzle out pretty quickly. I strongly believe that the power of inspiration we get from looking at our past selves, is invincible and incredible.

Q3 – Have you ever traveled as research for your work/project/story?

I think my own business and myself was my biggest research, haha! I didn’t have to travel as mine was a non-fiction book based on my own experiences. 🙂

Q4 – How has your lived experience influenced your work/project/story?

Absolutely. My book has stories from my childhood, teen years as well as my adulthood. All these beautiful and precious memories have contributed in some shape or form to my entrepreneurial journey, and I’ve written about them in detail. 61 stories; it’s a lot, haha but I know you will enjoy reading about it as much as I did writing it. 🙂

Q5 – What do you want readers to take away from your work/project/story?

IIf there is only one takeaway that readers could take away from my book, I would like it to be that each and every reader gets to define their success. They have every right to. They get to choose what they wish to perceive as success, and not be restricted by what the society determines as success.  My book was written with the sole intention of encouraging more entrepreneurs to acknowledge every win that they have defined for themselves and learn to embrace every part of the journey.

Q6 – Do you believe books can inspire social change? How?

Absolutely. I believe that books fundamentally change the way a person thinks, believes, says, and does. Books have always had such a strong impact on my life, and there have been so many moments in my life where books have helped me change my attitude or behavior for the better. The more society reads books, good books that encourage a healthy line of thinking, I believe the more powerful the society becomes in creating a change. It’s a ripple effect, to be honest. One person reads, changes, then the next person, so on and so forth, and very soon, you have an entire society with a similar line of thought, looking with the same healthy viewpoint. That’s how societal change happens, doesn’t it? It has to start from somewhere, a powerful source, and there is nothing more powerful a source than a book, in my opinion.

Q7 – Anton Chekhov said, “The world is, of course, nothing but our conception of it.” What is your opinion of this statement? How does it coincide or conflict with your perspective of the world?

I believe this with every fibre of my being. You can wait for external circumstances or luck or destiny to change or get better, but really, nothing ever happens until YOU decide to make it better. I’ve actually talked about this in my book, Zero to Four Figures. I believe we have the wonderful opportunity and free will to create the life we want. What you conceptualize, you can achieve. A lot of the times, we mess up (me included) because we don’t believe we have that power. Over the course of life lessons, I’ve now come to believe that each one of us has the power to fundamentally change and/or create our life.

Q8 – What personal experience had the greatest influence on your worldview?

The start of my entrepreneurial journey came from a place of extreme pain and anguish. That personal experience has had the greatest influence on my worldview.

I talk more about the circumstances leading to my entrepreneurial journey in my book, so I’m not going to write about it here, but I can share the change in my worldview today.

Before, I used to be stuck in a victim mentality. Kept pitying myself for everything that was wrong in my life. After I started my entrepreneurial journey, I realized that the only person responsible for my life, was me. Thus began my own personal self-love journey of taking back control of my life, and intentionally creating the life I desired.

Another change in my worldview (there’s actually many, and I write about it all in my book) was that rejection was just redirection. Today, I believe that everything that’s happening right now, as much as it does not make sense to me, will always come together for my highest good. Multiple times in my life, this has proved to be true, and I’ve slowly learned the art of acceptance and letting go what is not meant for me.

Q9 – What perspectives or beliefs have you challenged in your work/project/story?

I really had to push myself to be my most vulnerable self during the process of writing this book. The book really digs deep into who I am as a person, and for me to have reached that depth of understanding of myself, I really had to overcome limiting beliefs and trauma coping mechanisms that were preventing me to get to know myself. It was very, very, very challenging and at times, heartbreaking to see how much of a shield I had created to cope with trauma. Also, the book is a part of my self-love journey, which of course, anyone who has ever taken the self-love journey knows it is brutal, and extremely painful. The book taught me how to love myself unconditionally. It taught me to look at the traumatic incidents of my life, understand my bottled-up feelings, and view my personal experiences with a healthy mindset. It was an uphill battle, let me tell you. But it was all worth it as today, I feel a sense of peace when I think of my life so far. I never thought I would feel this, and it is a very humbling feeling to recognize how every pain, anguish, heartbreak, misstep, failure, rejection has come together to help me lead the life of my dreams. 

Q10 – Aldous Huxley said, “I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.” How have you changed throughout your creative process? How do you improve yourself every day?

See question 9 🙂

Q11 – Eckhart Tolle said, “Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” In your opinion, what is the next step and how can writers affect this?

This is very true. I think as writers, we are inherently aware. Aware of our surroundings, our thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, and even of the thoughts, feelings, actions, emotions of the people around us. It is that awareness that helps us with writing. But I believe there is one more step after awareness, and that is Action. I think that’s where the biggest gap lies. You can be as aware as you’d like to be, but if you don’t convert that to action, you’ll always be wondering why you’re so stuck all the time. 

Q12 – Intolerance and divisiveness are prevalent across the globe. Our voice may not be loud enough to right every wrong, but it is enough to make a difference one person at a time. Small acts move mountains. What one thing would you ask your audience to do to help inspire social change?

This is something that I strongly advocate for: If there is something you are passionate about, pursue it. Allow it to take you places. Very, very few people are lucky enough to find something that they are passionate about, let alone allow themselves to feel passionate about something, and if you are one of the lucky few who have found something that lights your soul on fire, you owe it to yourself to see how it can change your life for the better.

A lot of times people are mistaken that passion only means it should be done as a full-time job. Not necessarily. It could just be something you do for a few hours every week. All I’m saying it, allow yourself to recognize your passion, and give yourself the encourage to see where it can take you.

Q13 – Pick 1-3 social issues that are most important to you. Explain why you picked these and how we can help raise awareness/impact change.

Women Equality – By first believing ourselves (women) worthy of equality. I think it starts with us understanding our worth, and then demanding what is rightfully meant to be ours. If we ourselves don’t believe to be worthy of equality, how can we expect it from others?

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