Author Spotlight – Interview with Nathan Hill

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Nathan was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. He’s the youngest of 3 siblings; Jameika Macklin (the oldest), Elmer Macklin III (the 2nd child) and Nathan Macklin-Hill. He’s 24 years of age and has been married for almost 2 years to his husband, Davarious Hill. Nathan is a very family oriented man and loves small gatherings with his closest friends and family. When it comes to his career, he’s very well organized and takes his craft seriously. He’s a great leader and motivator to many others in life and plans to carry that integrity to make the world a better place. 

Q1 – What is the name of your latest project? Tell us more about why you embarked on this project. If a writer, share your synopsis.

The name of the latest project is “Rebirth: Book of Poems.” I created this project to inspire people with depression, anxiety and mental health issues because I am too a victim of all three of these listed. I know first hand how hard it is to get out of bed some days without the push from family and friends to keep going. Time is flying by so fast and now you haven’t eaten a meal in days. Depression is real and it is the number one killer in today’s society. With this book of poems, I want the world to take their first step into healing properly. I want the readers to feel inspired and motivated again to reach for the stars. Since COVID, our passion has depleted. With Rebirth, my goal is to push millions to live authentically without feeling judged or neglected. Loving themselves while conquering any goals set. We all deserve love and happiness and to me, that is what the world needs right now.

Q2 – What inspired you when you encountered struggles along the way?

What inspired me the most through my struggles is getting back up every time when everyone doubted my potential. Being that I am a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, life wasn’t the perfect picture I imagined for myself. I was disowned and mistreated by many just because of who I was and that was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. For a long time, that narrative affected me in ways that put a dent in my self-confidence and self-esteem. When you’re born into this world, you expect your family to be the first ones loving and supporting you, but it’s the total opposite. One thing about me though, I’ve always had the passion and drive to overcome my deepest fears. I wipe my tears at night and get up the next morning with grace, because everything happens for a reason.

Q3 – Have you ever traveled as research for your work/project/story?

I’ve actually just started traveling as research for my projects. At first, I would usually get my inspiration from other artists in music or poetry itself on my laptop. What I have learned though is traveling is very essential to an effective storyteller. The world has so much to offer along with great inspiration across the country.

Q4 – How has your lived experience influenced your work/project/story?

My lived experience plays a major role in the making of Rebirth: Book of Poems. During this period of time, I’ve embarked on one of the most challenging things yet in my life; My spiritual journey. I knew I wanted to transform and elevate every aspect of my life and it started with ripping the bandage off. I had to get to the root of my trauma and honestly, it was one of the most emotional times of my life as well. I channeled all of that energy into the creation of this project and it’s the reason why it is so dear to my heart. I opened up about many personal experiences about love, abandonment, and much more. At one point, I wasn’t strong enough to even write a sentence. But now, the world deserves to hear my story and if I can help heal millions across our nation, that itself would mean the world to me.

Q5 – What do you want readers to take away from your work/project/story?

I want the readers to feel like they have a friend in me. We all may have different plot twists, but the stories are all portrayed the same. I want the readers to feel like they can love themselves for once. As people, we tend to care for others before we care about our own wellbeing. In this season, self love is the message. We need our mental health in order, but most importantly, supporting each other through this journey. I want my readers to stand up together as one and realize that we hold all of the power. We’re strong individually, but together we are powerful.

Q6 – Do you believe books can inspire social change? How?

Yes, I agree that books can inspire social change. Look at the world now in the United States. Books from authors of color, LGBTQIA+ and indigenous backgrounds are being banned just for spreading knowledge and wisdom. As artists, I feel like they know that we are a threat to society, because one book can change the point of view of a whole era. We have the power to move people with our creativity and uniqueness. It is such a gift to have and creating a project to alter the dynamics of social change is vital in times like today.

Q7 – Anton Chekhov said, “The world is, of course, nothing but our conception of it.” What is your opinion of this statement? How does it coincide or conflict with your perspective of the world?

I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. It is so true, because people get so caught up in what they think the way of life should be. To me, there’s no guide on how to live in this lifetime. If you set your own pace and create your own rules, you see life differently from others. 

Q8 – What personal experience had the greatest influence on your worldview?

Me coming out as a homosexual male has had the greatest influence on my point of view. It has helped become more open minded and understanding of others as a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Before, many of my friends and family made me feel horrible for this decision. I just chose to turn those negatives into positives to open doors for not only my community, but for myself. It has helped me become free and unapologetically me.

Q9 – What perspectives or beliefs have you challenged in your work/project/story?

In this project, spirituality and how important it is for your healing journey is mentioned quite a few. I know people may have their personal beliefs on who everyone serves, but I truly believe in spiritual awakenings and what the Universe has to offer. In this book of poems, it’s a lot of hidden messages on what the world is currently going through and being aware of reality. We, as people, deserve to know the truth about our economy and how it really works. 

Q10 – How do you see the relationship between writing and culture? How about the boundaries between fiction and reality?

I think writing and culture have some similarities, but we have to be mindful of certain cultural topics we decide to write on. All cultures are different and bring something unique to our world. To me, If I was to write about a specific culture, I would need to already be a part of that culture to understand the depths of their living status. When it comes to fiction and reality, there can be so much confusion. The boundaries between the two should be more strict if anything. If you’re going to create fiction, I think it should stay in the lane of being imaginary and not cross over into real life events. Some creators use reality in fiction and it’s very controversial in my opinion.

Q11 – Aldous Huxley said, “I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.” How have you changed throughout your creative process? How do you improve yourself every day?

I’ve grown so much during my creative process. It teaches things life can’t sometimes. It’s helped me become a better listener and communicator regarding my love life and career. How do I improve? I continue to show up for myself. I’m learning that it is ok to be imperfect in such a crooked world. Being a good person to everyone helps with character, regardless of any outcome. 

Q12 – To what extent can fiction affect or improve the developments in science and technology in human life? What about religion and politics?

I feel that fiction can affect the development of science and technology in the way where we as individuals may gain inspiration from the details provided in imaginary or made-up things. You never know what someone who writes or creates fictional content such as short stories or movies may provide simply from their imagination that could help advance or change the way that we think about technology and science. When it comes to religion and politics those are two subjects that are so controversial to the point where they sometimes leave an audience speechless with their thoughts due to the fact of their lack of knowledge or research so the more we learn, the more we know so that the tough conversations that need to be had, shall be had.

Q13 – Eckhart Tolle said, “Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” In your opinion, what is the next step and how can writers affect this?

The next step is making sure our voices are heard. If more people are aware of the issue at hand, the more effective change will be. In order for that to work, we have to come together as a community and fight for our existence. As writers, using our platforms to build awareness and getting people to stand for what’s right is the only way for change in this country. 

Q14 – Intolerance and divisiveness are prevalent across the globe. Our voice may not be loud enough to right every wrong, but it is enough to make a difference one person at a time. Small acts move mountains. What one thing would you ask your audience to do to help inspire social change?

I would ask my audience to have an open mind. Sometimes, hitting the heart strings of people can really change so much. If people can simply relate, that is enough to help inspire social change. Every person in this world has a child to cater to. Moms and Dads that would go to war for their loved ones. You don’t have to agree with the lifestyle I chose to live, but being human with emotions is all social change needs.

Q15 – Pick 1-3 social issues that are most important to you. Explain why you picked these and how we can help raise awareness/impact change.

LGBTQIA+ and Trans rights are on the line right now. MY community is under attack and it is so sickening. There are over 100+ anti-gay and anti-drag laws in place and the world is still too silent. I’ve picked this social issue because we deserve to be happy and live freely. The government is worried about drag queens reading books to children and Trans/Non-conforming rights, but anyone can purchase a gun without proof? People can walk freely with a firearm but Transgenders are dangerous? My heart cries out, because I am so disappointed in my country. Supporting and walking alongside us in this journey will impact change. We’re human just like anyone else and should be able to live how we please. 

Q16 – Maya Angelou said, “I did then what I knew how to do, but now that I know better, I do better.” We have all made choices that we regret. We are all flawed humans. Together, we are experiencing this human story unfolding. Share a transformative experience where you learned from a mistake. How do you actively choose to make better choices?

Almost 5 years ago, I had one of the most transformative experiences of my life. Making the decision to leave the state or stay close to home for my Education was vital for me at a young age. I let my family and friends influence me into staying close to home for my education and slowly I started to lose my value and who I was as a person. Staying close to home kept me less focused on what was important; my education. I ended up dropping out of college in my 3rd year and I must say it has changed my life drastically. I choose better choices by making sure I am happy with my decision and not letting others opinions alter mine. I’ve always allowed people to control my narrative because I was afraid to disappoint them. Now, I choose me before anyone else and I am proud of myself for it.

Q17 – Challenge readers and listeners with action steps to increase engagement with identifying hashtag and @mention.

1st Use hashtag #REBIRTH for engagement. 

Connect with Nathan Hill

An author is only as good as his audience. Support this amazing writer by connecting with his and checking out his books.

– Facebook: Nathan Hill, Author

– Instagram: Nathanhillofficially

– Medium: Nathan Macklin-Hill

– Amazon book link:

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Read more, Write mindfully!